
education, learning and growth

Words Grow

Feed your curiosity

AI is NOT the Enemy
As we embark on this exploration, it's crucial to dispel the shadows of misconception and recognize that, contrary to popular belief, AI is not the enemy.
Developing Transferable Skills in English Class: A Comprehensive Guide
Today we want to talk about a crucial topic that concerns us all, the development of transferable skills in the classroom. In today's world, students need to be equipped with the necessary skills to navigate and shape their future successfully. That's why it is essential to …
Embracing the Tagline: Endlessly Curious – Unleashing the Potential of a Lifelong Learner
Imagine a world where humans had taglines that encapsulated their unique qualities. If I were to choose a tagline for myself, it would undoubtedly be "endlessly curious."

Lynn Thomas

Hello! I’m a Teacher Consultant for E-Learning and a Secondary School Teacher.

I am a passionate educator striving to make a positive impact on the world of education. I endlessly curious and always learning to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and research in education.

Learn more about me.

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